Sages Celebration Toolkit  - Celebrate the Winners and Nominees

Sages Sortable Winner List | Sages Winner SiteSages Sortable Nominee List | Sages Nominee Site

It's time to let your Sages winners and nominees know that as leaders and teammates you are grateful for their contributions. Choose a couple of team members to do the celebration planning.

Think about how and when you want to celebrate: In a staff meeting? A post on your internal communications platform? A team phone call? During a team huddle? Don't forget to include Sr. Leaders

Nominee Celebration Tips

  • Have a Sr. Leader(s) call the winner(s) and/or nominee(s) to deliver a message of gratitude.
  • Post recognition messages on your team communications board.
  • You can email the Sages award winner(s) and/or nominee(s) a certificate and add a note of congratulations to commemorate this accomplishment.
  • Recognize with a Bravo! and describe their impact on the team and business to show their contributions do not go unnoticed.
  • Consider creating a wordcloud to honor your winner(s) and/or nominee(s) and all their special qualities. Use word cloud tool.
  • Choose a time when most of your staff (even surprise leader guests) can attend a Microsoft Teams Party.
  • Create a Microsoft Teams meeting with your entire team to spotlight your Sages award winner and/or nominee(s).
  • Each person on the team can have a festive theme background, or invite a special leader guest. Include any of the tool kit items above and present during this meeting
  • Share the message of gratitude to your entire team
  • Have fun with whatever you do!