Mentee and Mentor CriteriaInspire Fact Sheet

What is the Inspire Mentoring Program?

Inspire is a 1:1 mentoring program designed for clinician and clinician support staff. It fosters cross-segment collaboration and offers mentoring resources, includes development discussion guides for mentors and mentees. Published research shows that mentorship has a positive impact on development and retention and has also shown that mentees benefit greatly from the support of mentors. Many mentees ultimately serve as mentors throughout their career in order to pay it forward!

Program Goals

  • Partnership fostered to assist mentee with building their short- and long-term career goals, evaluating their aspirations and focus areas and creating a plan to attain them
  • Support provided for personal and professional development
  • Retention, engagement and leadership capability increased
  • Opportunity given to work with a business leader (mentor) 
  • Possibility provided to create and maintain additional relationships with colleagues


Why Inspire?

The Inspire Mentoring Program was launched in May 2010 and has delivered outstanding results. Inspire participants enjoy cross-business learning and the opportunity to network with other clinicians and business leaders across the enterprise.

Inspire is designed to improve retention and engagement, increase business acumen, enhance cross-segment interaction and define available career paths for clinicians at UnitedHealth Group.